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The Notifications service allows you to send trigger-based emails and SMS messages to visitors. You can call the service directly from your applications when a notification needs to be sent or you can configure rules in XPKit Portal to send on receipt of a particular type of activity.

This service manages three resources: template, campaign and notification.

  • Templates are HTML and text files used in email sends. An endpoint is provided to upload these files to XPKit so they can be used in campaigns
  • Campaigns are where all the configuration for a notification resides. This includes: templates, subject lines and 3rd party email and SMS provider integrations.
  • notification requests trigger a send using a campaign to a recipient with any additional context data

Callbacks and activities

In your requests you can specify certain actions that should be performed after a notification has been sent:

  • Create an activity for the recipient (if they have a profile)
  • Post the result of the request to a callback URL