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The NFTs service allows you to mint an asset on a blockchain. It takes documents (PDFs), videos and images and makes requests on your behalf to your chosen blockchain.

To do this you need to create a configuration where you provide all the required wallet settings and then use this in a mint request alongside an asset.

When making a mint request you can choose whether the ownership of the minted asset should be set to yourself or an XPKit profile.

Getting started with Solana

XPKit currently supports the Solana blockchain and inside your configuration you will choose to work with either the devnet network (dev and testing) or the mainnet-beta network (production).

Before you start making any requests via XPKit you should ensure the wallet you provide has some SOL (the Solana currency), otherwise requests will fail.

When working on the devnet you can airdrop a simulated amount so you are not paying with real SOL. You can do this via the Solana CLI tools like so:

solana airdrop -v 1 /path/to/wallet.json --url

This command will airdrop 1 SOL to your wallet that you can use on the devnet network.