Batch request examples
Request to create a batch of 1000 unique QR codes
"name": "QR codes for the developer conference",
"amount": 1000,
"notify": "",
"options": {
"data_length": 15
Request to create a batch of 500 unique RFID codes
"name": "RFIDs for the developer conference",
"amount": 500,
"notify": "",
"options": {
"data_length": 10
Apple Wallet configuration examples
Configuration used to generate conference tickets
It is recommended you create these in XPKit Portal due to the amount of configurable options available.
"configuration_name": "Conference ticket",
"experience_id": "developer-conference-2022",
"team_identifier": "",
"pass_type_identifier": "",
"organization_name": "",
"barcode_type": "pdf417",
"description": "",
"background_color": "FFFFFF",
"foreground_color": "000000",
"label_color": "FF0000",
"logo_text": "string",
"suppress_strip_shine": false,
"webservice_url": "",
"authentication_token": "",
"passphrase": "",
"auxiliary_fields": [],
"back_fields": [],
"header_fields": [
"key": "",
"label": "",
"value": "",
"order": 1
"primary_fields": [],
"secondary_fields": [],
"footer_fields": [],
"locations": [],
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"relevant_date": "2022-12-01 00:00:00",
"expiration_date": "2022-12-10 23:59:59",
"configuration_id": "conference-ticket",
"created": "2022-03-01T14:56:32Z",
"last_modified": "2022-04-05T03:12:56Z",
"storage_urls": {
"logo": "",
"logo@2x": "",
"logo@3x": "",
"icon": "",
"icon@2x": "",
"icon@3x": "",
"strip": "",
"strip@2x": "",
"strip@3x": "",
"certificate": "",
"private_key": ""