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Health checks


A service configuration

In this example XPKit is configured make a GET request to the endpoint every 5 minutes. If the status code in the response is not 200 an alert will be sent to the registration-alert distribution list.

    "service_name": "Registration website",
    "endpoint": "",
    "http_method": "GET",
    "successful_status_codes": [
    "alert_distribution_list": "registration-alert",

An application configuration

In this example, XPKit expects to receive either a GET or POST request from the Payment API server every 5 minutes (300 seconds). If a request is not received in this time period an alert will be sent to the payment-alert distribution list.

    "service_name": "Payment API server",
    "request_frequency": 300,
    "alert_distribution_list": "payment-alert",